Monday, September 23, 2013

The Opinions of Others Are The Enemy’s Line of Defense

Think of a time you broke a rule to help someone or told a white lie to keep your friend from finding out what you got them for Christmas. Now, think of all the times you threw a few dollars in the tithe bucket because “that deacon” was collecting the offering or you showed up to the Habitat for Humanity site not to work, but to be seen. God’s favor will likely go better towards the white lie you told your friend to keep their Rolex a surprise until Christmas day, rather than the three hours you spent “impressing” people at the expense of Habitat for Humanity.

We care what people think when we do something that is considered to be immoral and we care what people think when we do something that furthers the kingdom of God. We don’t want to be thought of as despicable, nor do we want to be thought of as too religious. We tend to forget that God knows our motives better than we do and doing the right thing for the wrong reason is worse than doing the wrong thing for the right reason. Paul certainly wasn’t afraid to break rules. His jail time was a result of his willingness to do the wrong thing by law for the right reason by God. Had Paul not broken the laws of his society, the Gospel would not have spread like it did. Paul did not allow the opinions of others hold him back, nor did he let the laws of society hinder him. God knows if the motivation behind our action is to please Him or to please others and when our motive is to please others we are not honoring Him. God judges us by the motivation behind the action, not the action itself.

Proverbs 29:25 (NIV) says, “Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord will be kept safe.” Snares are the line of defense of the enemy and he places them in many places throughout the earth to trip us, stops us, and entangle us. If we are not aware of his snares, they will overtake us. God intended for us to find liberation in following Him. Not constraints on how we demonstrate our faith to a world full of critical men and women.  This Proverb warns us that the greatest snare of the enemy is found in our fear of man. Why should we fear man when He neither created us nor sent His Son to die for us? What is there to be gained in the favor of anyone other than our Father in Heaven? When we are setting out each day to seek His favor through our actions, the snares the enemy places in the opinions of others will no longer hinder us. We will live freely and fully striving to please God and God alone. We will no longer be held back by what our boss’ expectation, or our classmate’s snide remarks. If we overstep the snare of the opinions of others, we will enable our faith to move in mighty ways. We are the ones who have placed a stigmatism on the opinions of others and we are the ones that must overcome it.