Thursday, November 7, 2013

Worth More Dead Than Alive

You were born
You will die
You will be loved
You will be hated
You will give
You will lose
You will experience joy
You will experience sorrow

But, none of these things will ever separate you from the blood of Christ and because of Him you will experience all of these things for He was beaten, mocked, and crucified more than He was worshiped, loved, and praised.

It was only after He was raised from the dead that people wanted to know what His life was all about. It will be the same with you. You will encounter people on this earth who will love you, praise you, and invest in you, but they will not consider your earthly character as a whole until you are six feet under. That’s when the inventory of the fruit of your life is taken. Out of Jesus’ death and resurrection came the salvation that sustains His presence today. What have you done on this earth that will supersede your life span? If you play your cards right, you will be worth more dead than you are alive.

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