Monday, January 6, 2014

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?

“Why do bad things happen to good people?” This is one of the many questions that have plagued humanity for centuries. When in reality, by asking this question we prove ourselves to be ignorant of the definitive difference between good and bad.

One person’s definition of a good person may be Michael Jordan, while another person’s might be Mother Teresa. One person’s definition of a bad person may be James Dean, while another person’s might be Kim Kardashian. So ultimately the question being asked is based on the opinion of the person asking it.

Only God can judge who is “bad” and who is “good” and only He can determine who gets what they deserve. He is the same God who destroyed the entire world population (with the exception of Noah and his family) by way of flood and He is the same God who sent His son to die for us on the cross. Just as out of the same God flow “good” and “bad” things so we will experience both “good” and “bad” things regardless of how “good” we are.

We often make the mistake of believing that we are entitled to know the answers to life, when ironically enough, our human nature is the answer.  We believe that we should know everything about our infinite God and our infinite universe. Some people waste their lives away in classrooms trying to find all the answers, when in the end; they’re only left feeling unfulfilled by their quest for infinite knowledge.

In order to accept this question and put a rest to our searching souls we must accept this statement:

“We are all sinners, which means none of us are “good” people, but through the mercy of God we are justified. Both in the waking life and in the afterlife we will be given what we deserve based on the repercussions of our actions.”

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